Promotional Table Cloths and Drapes
Bringing your presentation in a shop or stall interior to perfection is no easy task. Sure, it does not revolve around details like these but they can certainly help.
Technologies used:
- Direct screen printing is suitable for printing smaller designs in directly applied colours and for batches of identical products.
- Digital sublimation works superbly for small orders of all designs, as well as for larger volumes where full-colour output of digital quality is required.
Materials used:
- Satin or canvas polyester, provided with waterproofing where required, is a suitable surface for sublimation printing.
- Cotton has only a marginal use in screen printing applications.
Common cloth treatment:
- Taking-in and overedging along the entire circumference is the most common method used for finalising table cloths.
- Bow tunnels or segments are sometimes ordered for drapes.
- Hot knife cutting is sometimes requested, in particular in larger orders, as it is the most cost-efficient solution.
We would advise against:
- Stitching tablecloths from several pieces of fabric. Even though we are able to align the print design on multiple pieces, stitches on the table do not really look good.